Make a Donation
The District Six Museum is an independent
Instant payments via PayFast.
Enter own amount you wish to donate.
You may also make a donation in any of the major currencies through a secure website:
Please use the bank details below, and email for acknowledgment of payment.
AC/NO: 070293686
BRANCH CODE: 02-00-09-00
Swift no: SBZA ZAJJ
Send a Love Letter to the Museum
Help us keep our doors open by sending a Love Letter to the Museum!
District Six Museum prides itself on being a place that people call home; a space where people meet socially, whether during our monthly Supper Clubs, participating in workshops, meeting old friends during Seven Steps Club mornings or making new ones.
Like many institutions, we are feeling the dire impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. We do not foresee that visitor numbers will increase in the next six months and so are urgently seeking your support.
The Museum covers its operational expenses which includes staff salaries and administrative costs through the income generated by feet through the door.
When District Sixers were handed their eviction notices, in true District Six fashion they renamed these notices ‘Love Letters’. This was a cynical comment on the casual indifference handed down by the Apartheid state, who saw only a ‘black spot’ that had to be removed, and not the deep ties that bound a community together.
We are now asking you to send us a Love Letter, but this time, with real love and care!
Please consider supporting us by sending us a Love Letter in one of the following ways:
A monthly donation of R50. This is the value of an entrance fee.
A once-off donation of R110. This is the value of a guided visit.
Larger once-off donations are welcome
Send us your Love Letter via:
Standard Bank
Account no: 070 293 686
Branch code: 020 909
Swift code: SBZ AZA JJ
Your support will ensure that our programmes continue, that the doors stay open and that we continue to work in meaningful ways with our community.
For more information contact:
Chrischené Julius
The Museum’s product and bookshop is now online!
Visit The Little Wonder Store here.
Follow us on Instagram @districtsixmuseum