July Supper Club: Reflections

by | 7 Aug 2018 | REFLECTIONS, Supper Club

Although we were slightly hesitant about having three Supper Club guests in July rather than the usual single speaker, we need not have worried. We were concerned that the limited time for each speaker, might make the occasion seem hurried and that they might be frustrated at not having enough time to express themselves.

This was not the case: our three guests handled the limitations beautifully! The room was abuzz with the energetic and passionate views of our guests Lusapho Hlatshaneni, Jordan Pieters and Gabeba Gaidien who, acutely aware of the preciousness of the time, were thoughtful, considered and bold in the way that they chose to put forward their viewpoints. They modelled so wonderfully the spirit of the Super Club conversations, and everyone commented on how well they listened to each other especially when they held different points of view or disagreed with each other. Each responded to the issues on the table rather than shouting each other down.

This was a wonderful dialogue about youth issues expressed by youthful voices, acknowledging at the same time that the range of issues are far more complex, layered and varied than could be expressed by three people and in this limited context.

It was a bonus for the group to be invited into the Cape Talk Studios after Supper Club, to continue the conversation on the Koketso Sachane’s Show.

In Cape Talk Studio before Koketso Sachane Show