MEMORY AGAINST FORGETTING: A photographic journey through South Africa’s history 1946 – 2010.

by | 18 May 2015 | Book Launch, Conversation, Education, REMEMBERANCE

Meet Ranjth Kally in conversation with Kalim Rajab

BOOK LAUNCH at the DISTRICT SIX MUSEUM, 25A Buitenkant Street.
THURSDAY 21 May, 6 for 6.30pm
RSVP to / 021 616808

‘Durban-born Ranjith Kally’s award-winning photographic career has spanned more than four decades. Much of his work was published in DRUM magazine where he worked between 1955 and 1985…’

He captured iconic scenes, such as his portrait Umkumbane, which has come to symbolise the shimmering jazz age of African townships in the 1950s. When Miriam Makeba returned to Maseru, Lesotho, for a concert for black South Africans at the height of apartheid, Kally too ventured to Lesotho and returned home with a remarkable image of an exiled singer poised between joy and heartbreak. And in a series of unflinching portraits, he documented with probity the horror of the forced removals in Natal. In short, the wider appreciation of his contribution to our struggle for dignity needs to remembered and fully embraced for current South Africans intent on honouring their past.

Presented by the Book Lounge and Quivertree Publications

For more information:

About the book

About the author

Info sheet