Monday 24 September 2018
The District Six Museum’s Heritage Day programme is linked to the exhibition which will be opening on 20 September (Kewpie: a daughter of District Six). It will continue the celebration of Kewpie’s life in community, and will include a site walk with storytelling, which will start at the Homecoming Centre at 10h30.
Ex-residents will be participating in a series of preparatory workshops leading up to Heritage Day. The dates for these are:
Saturday 8 September, 9h00 – 15h00 at the Lydia Centre for Memory in Chapel Street
Saturday 15 September, 9h00 – 15h00 at the District Six Museum Homecoming Centre
Saturday 22 September, 9h00 – 15h00 at the District Six Museum Homecoming Centre
For more information about the workshops please contact Tina Smith on 021 4667200 or at email