Youth Day at District Six Museum

On Saturday 16 June we will be paying tribute to the youth of our country, who on this day in 1976 sacrificed so much for the cause of education, as a means towards our country’s liberation. On this day we would also like to affirm the ongoing contribution of youth in protecting our hard-won struggles and freedoms. We need to emphasise that not only are the youth part of the future generation of leaders, but their leadership is present and needed even now.
The Museum’s programme on this day is an intergenerational one. It will feature a new documentary called ‘Salt River High 1976: the untold story’. It depicts the series of events surrounding the arrest of 10 students, 2 teachers and a parent at Salt River High School in 1976. It occurred at the height of political unrest in the struggle for liberation against discrimination and racial subjugation.
The programme starts at 10h30 and will be followed by a brief question and answer session by the maker of the film, Anwar Omar, who was one of the people arrested. He will be in conversation with others who were also involved.
Date: Saturday 16 June
Time: 10h30
Venue: District Six Museum Homecoming Centre
Admission is free and all are welcome
(Repeat screenings will be held on the same day at the Castle at 1.30pm and at the Palestine Museum (28 Sir Lowry Road) at 7pm for those who miss the first screening at the Museum)
Cape Argus article Salt River High’s untold story of ‘76