St. Mark’s Memory Mapping Project

KEWPIE: Daughter of District Six

Oral History Campaign

Peninsula Maternity Hospital Memory Project

Seven Steps Club

The Suitcase Project

Huis Kombuis Memory Project

Albert ‘Hurry, Hurry’ Johanneson: Mini-exhibition & Comic Book Launch

Two Rivers Project

The Community Survey

Reminiscence Theatre Project

Huiskombuis Food and Memory Cookbook Launch

Huis Kombuis

Suitcase Exhibition

Last Days of District Six

D6 Revisited

Going and Coming Back

Gathering Strands

Commemorative Print Exchange: “Remembering 60 000 forced goodbyes”,

USAKOS – Photographs Beyond Ruins: The Old Location Albums

District Six: People Lived Here

FOP Basel

Memory Traces

Digging Deeper

Four stories told

D6 Public Sculpture exhibition

Image and Representation

Chamber of Dreams: Photographs of the van Kalker Studio

Buckingham Palace

Offside: Kick Ignorance Out! Football Unites, Racism Divides

Fields of Play: Football Memories and Forced Removals in Cape Town

Huis Kombuis Design and Craft Memory exhibition

Democracy’s Images: photography and visual art after Apartheid

Displaying the Game

Streets: Retracing District Six

Photo Exhibition

Tramway Road

A history of paradise